Human Greed | Teen Ink

Human Greed

May 26, 2024
By Anonymous

The tree roots continue to grow,

Watching the seasons go.

Providing us with life and care,

Yet some things still aren’t right. 

Fire spreads leaving marks of rage,

And trees become a page.

The birds that once sang happy songs,

Now sit alone quiet.

Humans poison the air and land,

Yet earth gives open hands.

We ask for more than what's needed, 

Knowing the end result.

How nature creates life with ease,

Providing us with needs.

Yet man destroys nature far worse,

Then nature can itself.

The author's comments:

Veda Poling, a 15-year-old writer from Pennsylvania. Poetry is her passion—it's how she expresses her thoughts and feelings, in hopes to connect with those around her. She takes inspiration from the ordinary moments and emotions shared by herself and others. She is thrilled to share her work and connect with those who love and appreciate language and storytelling.

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