The Things We Could Have Changed | Teen Ink

The Things We Could Have Changed

January 2, 2010
By Anonymous

She drags the silence over her tainted lips.
She drags the blade across her dainty wrists.
Her heart seems to scream,
but her mind tells it ‘no’.
This has to happen
if she needs everything to go away.

When she looks in the mirror, she sees a broken girl.
When her fist meets the glass, her heart starts to twirl
and the blood starts to swirl.
An anger rises and she’s engulfed in flames
but she knows that she’s not the only one to blame.

Blood falls, screams call
but no one’s there,
no one’s ever there.
She has to mend to her broken heart,
she has to answer to her own voice.
No matter how far she tried to run,
she never got to make the choice.
She had to be punished, she did what was best.
She felt that she had nothing left.

She meets her heart in Heaven
and she meets her soul in Hell.
The Devil has her now,
in her most vulnerable state,
she isn’t thinking straight.

Her hand tightens around the razor blade
and she rests her head down in shame.
All she wanted was to be free
but her soul was finished off already.

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