Time Goes On | Teen Ink

Time Goes On

December 21, 2012
By JaKero GOLD, Fort Collins, Colorado
JaKero GOLD, Fort Collins, Colorado
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When she was eight, her dad took the three little girls on the train and said their mom had a decision to make. When she was sixteen, her sister got engaged and a year later died of cancer, sure she was going to hell for having sex. When she was eighteen, her parents wouldn’t sign the financial aid form for a liberal arts school in the mid West. When she was nineteen, she had a stint at the community college, learning guitar and art and French, and then worked as a self-taught photographer at a department store. When she was twenty she had saved enough money to go to Europe for six months. When she was twenty one she went to Australia and drank tea and fell in love. When she was twenty three he had propositioned her for marriage and sent romantic postcards and she said no. When she was twenty four she had saved enough money to go to Europe for six months. When she was twenty five she apologized to her little sister for all the things she’d done. When she was twenty seven she moved and got married and opened a ski store. When she was twenty nine she worked as a river guide in the summer, happy but poor. When she was thirty seven she went back to school in Salt Lake and got a degree. When she was thirty nine she got divorced and quit working as a nurse and left never to return. When she was forty she met him, when she was forty one they had his second kid. When she was forty five her parents started to decline. When she was fifty one she learned to scuba dive. When she was fifty two and fifty three her parents died. When she fifty four, her child tried to leave her. When she was fifty five, she felt as if an eternity had passed and an eternity went on without her.

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