Beautiful World | Teen Ink

Beautiful World

May 1, 2013
By JenniferSumiBang SILVER, Candler, North Carolina
JenniferSumiBang SILVER, Candler, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never Give Up"
"Yes I Can"
"You will never know until you try"
"Failure isn't an option"

I look up to the skies
N’ see your eyes
I look down below
N’ see the shore
I wanna see some more ~ohhhh~

I wanna be… I… I… I wanna wanna be… at a place where
Our arms are out wide
And our tears are dried
A place where we can be ourselves
Where we can call home~ohhh~

This is a beautiful…beautiful world~
This is a beautiful world for you and I
A place where we are free to be who we wanna be… who we are to be… led to be~ooh~ohhh~
Where nobody nobody can push us down
‘Cuz we have limitless power of liberty

When we are at a place where trouble occurs
I’d look into your eyes
That are as clear and blue as the Caribbean Sea
And I’d take to the road with no hesitations
And together we will fight for the freedom we deserve

I wanna be… I… I… I wanna wanna be… at a place where
Our arms are out wide
And our tears are dried
A place where we can be ourselves
Where we can call home~ohhh~

This is a beautiful…beautiful world~
This is a beautiful world for you and I
A place where we are free to be who we wanna be… who we are to be… led to be~ooh~ohhh~
Where nobody nobody can push us down
‘Cuz we have limitless power of liberty

When I am with you
I am full of life
And every time I see you
I fall in love again
You are the one that makes my world complete

Our world is complete
When we fight to defeat
The shadows that tries to tear us apart
Nevertheless our love is stronger
Above all things in life
Because the world we created with our growing love
Is such a beautiful… beautiful world.

I am at a place where
Our arms are out wide
And our tears are dried
A place where we can be ourselves
Where we can call home~ohhh~

This is a beautiful…beautiful world~
This is a beautiful world for you and I
A place where we are free to be who we wanna be… who we are to be… led to be~ooh~ohhh~
Where nobody nobody can push us down
‘Cuz we have limitless power of liberty

This is a beautiful world.

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