Senior Year | Teen Ink

Senior Year

October 1, 2013
By Alexander Whitehurst BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
Alexander Whitehurst BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Senior Year
Waking up is not so bad

-It is my senior year-
Get to goof off in class

-Always something to do-
Living in the moment

-Last year with the team-
No more time to kill

-It was a glorified journey-
The sand is at the bottom of the hour glass

-Smiles on every ones faces-
Beautiful sight

-Pretty soon in different paths-
So lets have this last memory

-Party I say-
Our whole class at this one dance

-Its our Senior Year-
Lets skip the emotions

-Get together class of 2014-

The author's comments:
Leaving high school on a high note

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