The Brain & The Heart | Teen Ink

The Brain & The Heart

November 4, 2013
By Marquisha Watson BRONZE, Coldwater, Mississippi
Marquisha Watson BRONZE, Coldwater, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you know the difference?
Between the heart and the brain?
Both make foolish decisions,
& both are hard to explain

You're brain is your intelligence
It's the reason you are smart
But anyone can be stupid
When it comes to the heart

Your heart is very fearless
But your brain, of course, Is not
Your brain thinks things through
Your heart gives all you got

Your brain will say stop it
But your heart will say No
Your brain will stop loving him
Your heart won't let him go

Your brain does not forgive
But your heart, of course, will
The brain lacks emotions
That your heart can't help but feel

The brain does not forget
But the heart won't even try
The brain tries to be strong
But the heart will still cry

Do you know the difference?
Between the heart and the brain
The brain thinks positively
The heart endures pain

The brain gathers pieces
But the heart is the muzzle
The brain will remain silent
The heart lacks a muzzle

Break the brain
& you cannot speak
Break the heart
You're stronger, but weak

The brain needs a doctor
To repair himself
But when the heart is broken
It relies on itself

The brain is okay
But the heart is better
The brain will once give up
The heart's a go-getter

So which organ do you have in mind
Which is more strong?
If you guessed it was the brain
Just know you thought wrong

The author's comments:
I wrote this because it explains how strong you have to be, as a girl. Most people tell you to use your head, until you fall in love. When it comes to love, you follow your heart. Your brain can't help you out. As a mature young adult, I know that it takes more than a doctor to mend a broken heart. In my opinion, your heart is your strongest organ.

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