Life in War | Teen Ink

Life in War

March 21, 2014
By KaitlynMatz SILVER, San Marcos, California
KaitlynMatz SILVER, San Marcos, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hakuna Matata

It was unexpected for those who signed up for war,
The war that would occur in August 1914.
The day my brave soldier walked out the door,
His future ahead of him was unseen.

He wrote letters to us every week,
Describing what it was like to be at war.
Life was horrid so to speak,
Soldiers lying dead along the floor.

You must be cautious of where your foot lands,
or you’ll end up with trench-foot.
Listen precisely to the sergeants commands,
You may be asked to stay put.

Life during war isn’t as it seemed,
Most thought of it as romantic.
War isn’t as I had dreamed,
Run across the field that felt gigantic.

All men aligned side by side in the parapet,
Armed and ready to fight.
Sergeant wearing his tippet,
Men waiting for an attack through the night.

Forces of nature posed as a great threat,
Heavy rainfall created dreadful conditions.
All the men drenched in cold sweat,
Soldiers holding their positions.

The Germans were wise using poison gas,
Victims dying slow, torturous deaths.
Their lungs searching for air to gasp.
Panicking until their last few breathes.

The last letter I received from him,
Made me cry until nighttime.
Noting his chances of surviving are slim,
I always thought we’d be together for a lifetime.

The next time I saw him close up,
Laying their peacefully “asleep”.
Our daughter asked when daddy was going to wake up.
I told her never and began to weep.

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