A Beautiful Thing | Teen Ink

A Beautiful Thing

April 4, 2014
By Erika Martinez BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
Erika Martinez BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was like any other day
My mom was working
In her classroom
A pre school teacher she was
Sixty little creations from God
Two weeks away
I was ready to become butterfly
Was I that bad?
She was ecstatic
So ecstatic!
She fainted at school
Early maternity leave
Late Saturday night, October 12
I decided to release and fly
A night at the park
Eating pizza
Turned into chaos
Walking around like a cow would
She went to the hospital
At 4:30 in the morning
Her placenta ruptured
I began drowning in the placenta
October 13, 1996
7:45 am
A blessing from God
Came into this world
Complications began
When I was born I wasn't breathing
I had placenta pumped out of my lungs
And stomach
As if I were a machine
Five minutes too late
I would have been dead
Baby I.c.u
Such a scary place to be
Who knew this would happen
Butterflies are supposed to fly away
But, not this one
At least not yet
With a little help
After a day and a half
I was able to do so
Two days later
I left the hospital
And went to my cocoon
Like all butterflies do.
I lived in my happy little cocoon
And all my uncles swooned
And came to visit the butterfly
In her little cocoon.
Like all butterflies do
I flew to see the world

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