What Is To Become of Us? | Teen Ink

What Is To Become of Us?

November 26, 2014
By Anonymous

To pity is ironic
To be jealous is obscene
And hate is just another way
To destroy morality

Acts of love are hopeless
Passions are despised 
Sacrifices always end
At tranquility's demise

Nobody ever can feel
As open as we should
Everything a person can do will be wrong
And so I ask you this

What has this world come to
This population of hypocrisies
A judgmental form of "social acceptance"
A disease spread sea to sea

They say to blame society
But it's not the reason for all this
Because "they", and you, and I
Are all apart of it

How we act and feel
How we treat another
How we justify what's right
We decide this with each other

And so if you think this world is wrong
If this system is corrupt
Then simply stop conforming
And save society from this bust

The author's comments:

It's so easy to complain about everything wrong with this world. Racisicm, sexism, stereotyping, politicians, hate of all kinds that brings us down and yet, very few have the courage to do something about these issues besides talking about it. 

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