The Garnet Band | Teen Ink

The Garnet Band

December 2, 2014
By AwesomeRedHead BRONZE, Christiansburg, Virginia
AwesomeRedHead BRONZE, Christiansburg, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And though she be but little, she is fierce." ~Shakespeare

I scan their faces, blank and bare

I've got this in the bag, I think

reality then starts to sink

but who said life was ever fair.


If I play this smart and cheap

I might just leave with what I seek

the garnet band so dark and sleek

and price that summons tears to weep.


Pockets empty, bills stacked high

and of this ring I often dream

to make my precious woman beam

the knot with her I long to tie.


All odds against me, as I feared

my ignorance now clearly shown

they saw me coming, my chance is blown

but failure's not an option here.


Their torrid gazes brand me deep

anticipating what I'll do

but I still have a trick or two

so I return their gaze and watch it seep.


Trembling fingers plague my hand

a horrid chill sweeps over me

as into his palm, I drop the key

"My stationwagon for the band."


Contemplating my mistake

I start for home and race the moon

at least relief should set in soon

with one less payment left to make.

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