To My Adonis | Teen Ink

To My Adonis

February 18, 2015
By Apericon BRONZE, Windsor, California
Apericon BRONZE, Windsor, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are my world, but am I yours?
Late at night I picture what our future will bring
and fight the wars
that rage inside my head, and ring.

My heart would shatter into a thousand pieces
if we ever did part.
As the number of flaws i see in myself increases.
I’m slowly being torn apart.

What do I mean to you?
Am I just another, or am I the one?
Are the words you say to me untrue?
Will you soon be done?

I love you so much,
and I probably sound crazy.
I crave your touch,
it fills me with joy, and makes me hazy.

You are my Adonis,
And I, your Aphrodite
I see you as a praunus,
Very smart and mighty.

I am just going through some stuff,
im not quite sure what though.
The road ahead of me might be rough,
Just help me through it, and don't let go.

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