Amistad | Teen Ink


March 5, 2015
By Judah Clark BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
Judah Clark BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Has God foresaken me?

I'm here on bended knee.

I've prayed and plead for a path to flee.

Just last sunrise I was free.


Has God foresaken me?

Now unfamiliar brother and sisters stare back at me.

Say something!


Has God forsaken me?

I'm having a hard time breathing,

Think about my family.

Surely you know the trembling feeling of being separated...

It's sickening.


God have you foresaken me?

Say something!

Show me we aren't just property improperly place in shackles,

Then sat on top of one another for profit.


Can you hear me?

Tell me this just some sick joke used to provoke unity amoong tribes.


Say something!

I know you hear the cries.

Many of us have already died,

And for what?

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