Soldier's Story | Teen Ink

Soldier's Story

October 22, 2015
By Joslyn298 BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
Joslyn298 BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In dreams, we enter a world that’s entirely our own.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Alkaban
- Quote by Albus Dumbledore

I went to the store
And heard a girl talking trash.
Her face turned bright red,
Like she had a heat flash.

A man nearby turned,
And shook his shaved head.
He thought of his friend,
Who was proclaimed dead.

The part you don’t know,
Is what you don't see.
Then you will understand
Why he could never be free.

The man was a soldier,
And the young girl was mad.
It seemed all of her life,
Was going to be bad.

She ranted and panted,
And yelled to her friend.
She complained of the problems,
She could not amend.

She blamed her country,
The U S of A,
For putting these problems
Into her way.

She said,“The system is crappy,
The government poor.
And all we’re doing is fighting,
A stupid little war.”

The man bought his groceries,
And went for the door.
He couldn’t help think,
“What did I fight for?”

He went home and cried,
And couldn’t seem to sleep.
His troubles kept piling,
Into a heap.

He remembered the day,
He lost his best friend.
He remembered the words,
What he fought to defend.

His grief soon subsided,
And turned into anger.
He couldn't believe,
What he heard from that stranger.

He went back to the store,
Another week later.
And just by chance,
He ran into that stranger.

He approached the young woman,
Calm and collected,
And told her a story,
That she'd never expected.

"I had a friend,
That died in the war.
I heard you last week,
Asking what he fought for.

"You see, little girl,
You don't understand,
Just what it means
For us soldier men.

"I need you to know,
We fought for your life.
My friend gave up his,
So I could have mine.

"You see, freedom and rights,
They come at a price.
So listen, dear girl,
Let me give some advice.

"Don't ever again
Disrespect my country,
'Cause I promise, dear girl,
That this isn't funny.

"I fought for the freedom,
That you have today.
And even the right,
For you to complain.

"I didn't give my life,
For you to have nothing.
I gave you my life,
For you to have something."

The girl stood stood in silence,
Shock all over her face.
She felt like a failure,
To the whole human race.

"And one more thing, dear girl,"
The calm soldier said,
"Here's something to think about
While you lie in your bed.

"Now you know my story,
Now you understand.
Can you really stand there and tell me,
That you don't give a damn?"

The author's comments:

I hear people all the tine talking about how bad this country is. I also know that most people don't really understand what it takes for us to have the rights that we do. I want people to understand the risks that lie for a soldier. I want people to appriciate what they have. 

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