Sunken | Teen Ink


December 21, 2015
By Zoraver BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
Zoraver BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen

I lay there in the endless stationary
Silence was swimming around,
A desolation felt inside of me
Those blues made no sound.

Now my uneasiness doubled
As seconds passed by,
I was truly 'all red'
I didn't want to say goodbye.

A battle with life?
Or was I just dead,
I tried my best to speak
But not a word i said.

I was still, I could see,
Movement made it unclear
I felt morbidly free
Towards death was I near?

Then I made that rapid ascent
It was like leaving heath,
I was over the tide,
As i gasped for breath..

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