The Legend of The Hero of Time and The Blind Man | Teen Ink

The Legend of The Hero of Time and The Blind Man

February 17, 2016
By Mr_funny_beans BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
Mr_funny_beans BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I can, I will, and I must." -Jack_Runner

“I will help you” the hero of time said,
“Thank you” said the blind man.
“Though you may never see the horrors that await us,
And you may never see the face of a true hero.”

So the two set out on a five year quest,
The hero of time and the blind man.
They journeyed all across the land,
But the blind man never saw the face of a true hero.

And though there were times when they wanted to give in,
They powered on through the hate.
For if they were to stop now,
They would never see the face of a true hero.

So when they met the man who had caused all this pain,
And the hero of time was thrown aside by the evil,
The blind man picked up his sword and vanquished this final foe,
And the hero of time finally saw the face of a true hero.

The author's comments:

This started off as a ballad assignment about a blind man who, after 5 years, completed "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time"

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