May 6, 2016
By DivyaGanguly GOLD, Kalyani, Other
DivyaGanguly GOLD, Kalyani, Other
18 articles 4 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Actually,the best life you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures....

How heartless are you?
How heartless can you be?
In your eyes hatred
is all that I see...
I see 'the look' you give
When I walk past by
You mock my presence
with an unsaid hi!
You are too cruel to be allowed
To exist in this world
You are dark and sinister to
understand the sincerity of my heart..
I hate a person so peaceful
An individual so wrapped in itself
What could be more embarrassing
than me falling for you as a punishment?
Why they remain devoid of any emotion?
What's wrong with those eyes?
Why does those lips never curl
up in the ghost of a smile?
Am I insane for a person so evil?
Why was I kissed by the devil?
Everyday it's the same old game
Opposing personalities yet so same
I see you, and I stand motionless...
Your eyes watch my every move, and leave me breathless...
Sometimes I wonder why am I put to 'your question'?
Maybe because your heartlessness has seeped inside my person!

The author's comments:

"Laughter is not the only contagious disease, heartlessness is too. It's what stops me from saying everyday, that I love you."

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