A Poem 4 U | Teen Ink

A Poem 4 U

May 16, 2016
By ASimpleWriter BRONZE, Parkton, North Carolina
ASimpleWriter BRONZE, Parkton, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How do you start off something like this when the person you’re writing about doesn’t even know you exist? It’s a trial and error situation. Sort of like speaking in front of a big corporation. You try to bite your tongue to hold back feelings, but they end up leaking through. Suddenly you’re the laughing stock, a fool, or even make people upset with you. His eyes shine so bright, they’re like stars, and for a second you think magic is real. Then the plot changes and you realize that to him you’d never appeal. It’s a cruel thing when you believe in fate. Yours will never intertwine with his, or if you finally get the chance, it’s too late. He has so much going on, a life, a career, a happiness that never ends. Meanwhile you’re stuck still trying to make friends. Is it karma, you wonder, getting you back for all the things you’ve done. Or is it your heart telling you that love isn’t real or you’ll never have none? Then again, just his smile makes your heart race. You slowly become okay with the fact that you’ll never hold his hand, kiss his lips, or touch his face. You wonder if your words will ever reach his ears. Just the simple thought of meeting him is enough to keep away the tears. Still the tears fall and you wonder why your heart continues to pursue when it knows it’ll be broken. You know he’ll never see a thing you write, say or sing, so irrelevant are the words you’ve spoken. However, you continue to fall even though you’ve given yourself a reason to move on. You try to tell yourself that sooner or later you’ll look up and he’ll be gone. Though you know the truth, it’s very clear to see. You’re a hopeless, in love fool and that fool is me.

The author's comments:

Inspiration is drawn from various places, though you never know when you'll finally get the urge to write a complete thought, then turn it into a story. I write with emotion, something I've always done. I build my work around thoughts and feelings that u have experienced myself. Sometimes, if I put in extra effort, I may tell a perfect story. However, sometimes I may just vent. Either way, love is a trigger word, as you can see, so I hope you enjoy reading this piece.

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K3llie~78 said...
on May. 18 2016 at 8:16 am
You are and always have been very talented. I love you more than life my beautiful girl!!!

K3llie~78 said...
on May. 18 2016 at 8:16 am
You are and always have been very talented. I love you more than life my beautiful girl!!!