The Ballad Of Cygnus | Teen Ink

The Ballad Of Cygnus

December 11, 2016
By AkatsukiSwag SILVER, Sheridan, Wyoming
AkatsukiSwag SILVER, Sheridan, Wyoming
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mother Teresa — 'If you judge people, you have no time to love them.'

There once was a girl named Cygnus the Swan,
her movements flowed like the waves.
Canis felt in his heart she was a breed apart,
her beauty turned men in their graves.

As she danced and she pranced even asterisms would pause
and bask in the light of her glow.
Her eyes an explosion of the darkest obsidian
her skin and hair the color of snow.

Cygnus sang to a lyre with great fire
Of the Milky Way
Canis decided with some help provided
He would steal her heart away.

He went door to door and street to street
To gather the friends he needed.
In all his haste and time not to waste
Their few warnings were not heeded.

They sang to him, “You will not win!”
“Her spirit cannot be broken!”
“This plan you made cannot take place,”
“Lest you wish her heart be frozen”

Canis shook his head, he’d rather be dead,
Than let lovely Cygnus go,
He solidified his plan to be her man,
Her one and only, her beau.

Monoceros laid the groundwork well,
Lyra prepared in the West.
Circinus gave everyone their directions
Pavo tidied his best.

Canis saw the job his friends had done
And said with a large toothy smile
“Nothing will wait, the night will be great,”
“She’ll find our date more than worthwhile!”

And so the eve had made its rise,
‘Twas soon time for the stars
Canis made his way to Summer Lane
To steal her golden heart.



Shocked Cygnus was, when she opened the door,
To find a man, with some flowers.
She accepted the date, and not a minute too late,
The others made use of their powers.

Lyra began a tune so happy,
The grouchiest creatures would smile.
Every star in the sky sang along
In faith of romance worthwhile.

Monoceros, shine of the sky
Commands the light of the sun.
The light does dance across the sky
In hopes her love be won.

Pavo with his feathers so bright
Sent a breeze on through
The light on his tail, so big and bright
Sets the mood of the room.

Circinus smiled, but Canis forgot
Her name was Cygnus the Swan.
Imagine his eyes, ‘Twas quite the surprise!
He was attacked by swans at dawn.

And so Canis found that she wasn’t Miss Right
And left, a single man on that night.

The author's comments:

This is a ballad based on Constellations

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