Two Halves | Teen Ink

Two Halves

September 20, 2018
By womthedom SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
womthedom SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I come from two halves of a whole.

Both say the other is evil, and wrong;

yet I see them as irreplaceable.

I don’t understand what to do.


I come from a family’s unfueled flame,

blowing on the embers, trying to keep it alive.

I cry out for help, but no one comes.

Everyone chose a side, I stand in No Man’s Land.

I come from a school like any other.

The students think they are super special snowflakes,

myself included,

but no one wants to accept the truth, #Same.

I come from a country ruled by fear.

“They” are coming to get us.

“They” shouldn’t be allowed here.

When in reality, we are all “them.”

I come from a home where things aren’t this serious ,

watching movies and stand-up comedy,

playing Smash on the TV and.

teaching the dogs new tricks.


I come from a lifeboat of friends,

a lifeboat so small, it can’t fit everyone.

If you say wrong, or do bad…

you will be thrown over.

I come from two halves of a whole.

Both say the other is evil, and wrong;

yet I see them as irreplaceable.

I don’t understand what to do.  

I come from a valley.

Fire spreading from both sides,

I stand in the center.

A bastion for the two halves.

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