woman in the painting | Teen Ink

woman in the painting

September 25, 2018
By emilymorgan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
emilymorgan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Smoke rolled off my lips

Making him let a sigh slip

“I told you to stay still,”

He reminds me.

As he peaks over the canvas his smile is bright

I cant help but smile right back.

His cheeks were red from the paint

And his curly brown hair matched the end of the brush.

I watched his head lower, hiding behind his art

I slipped a quick drag

“I told you to stay still,”

Blue eyes, bluer than the ocean, peered over at me.

I laughed, brushing the hair in my eyes out of the way.

His voice was smoothing, raspy and played me like an instrument

Those eyes were so innocent

But looking in them you saw more than you asked for.

His innocence was long gone but as I stared at him,

I felt myself being lifted

His beautiful mind was so twisted

“I told you to stay still.”

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