My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 29, 2018
By writer-kid35132 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
writer-kid35132 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is spoken and used in over fourteen different languages all with pretty much the same exact pronunciations. It goes way back to the bible were it was used to have the meaning, “Name of God.”  It’s a simple beat, and easy-going sound over a cool summer breeze. Its fresh, its clean, its easy to hear and lastly, fun to say.

It has no real family history. Well at least my first name it’s my middle name, Robert that was my dad’s father’s first name. However, besides that my first name was really just a spontaneous choice, it was an on the spot name. Neither of my parents had a name picked for sure to give me so my dad come up with Samuel and that was that.


Every place I have been I have never had a problem with my name, everyone has heard the name before and no one has a problem pronouncing it, its great. I love the fact I don’t have to help people say my name. Sam makes it easy for them to remember as well. It’s a three letter word, with a smooth tone easy as that.

I would never give up this name for any other name in the world. Sam is perfect it's simple and easy to remember, hard to forget and lastly it’s only three letters long. Plus, if I’m going for a job interview later on I could just write on my resume, Samuel and there my name now is five times more formal. Making me have the choice to change my name based on occasion.

When I think of Sam, I think of bold and bright colors with huge text sizes because its just three simple letter all lined up. I think of blocks shaped into each letter of Sam. The simple way you pronounce it makes it sound fresh, like a newly cut lawn and its easy going mellow tone makes it a calm sound to the ears. Sam, a name that everyone can say and receive with no problem.

The author's comments:

This is a piece about my name.

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