Olivia | Teen Ink


October 1, 2018
By livelovewrite39 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
livelovewrite39 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Olivia. The Greek name for the olive branch. The symbol of peace. Like a soft wind against tree branches in the crisp summer air. The smell of citrus in the breeze. Olivia is suggestive of a happy, carefree day, with no stress. Like a pale green, or soft blue, like the sky on a clear day.

My parents chose this name because they thought it was a classic, beautiful name. They thought that it had good nicknames, and would sound professional when I am older.

I have never loved my name. I like it alright, but it has never been my favorite. In almost every social event that I have been to there has been at least one other Olivia. In school, it is always disappointing to hear the teacher call out 3 other Olivias.  I wish my name were more original and unique to me. When I first meet people, it is not uncommon to hear, “Oh I know a lot of Olivia’s”, or “My cousin’s name is Olivia.”

Although I am not in love with my name, I would not change it. My name reflects my personality, and I like it like that. I have learned to love my name and associate it with myself. I have come to understand the beauty behind my name. Like a diamond in the rough. At first glance, Olivia is rather ordinary. But after you dig a little bit deeper you uncover something of great beauty.

My name also depicts my relationships with other people. In school and other more formal events, people call me Olivia. My friends usually call me Livy or Liv. I like these nicknames. They display a lot about my personality.

Liv is like a light blue. Bubbly and fun. She is carefree and the life of the party. She is the kind of girl that everyone is drawn to like a magnet. The kind of person I want to be like all of the time. Livvy is a variation of Liv, but a little bit sweeter. She is empathetic and will listen to anyone at any time.

On the other hand, Olivia is much more serious. She is studious, and meticulous about everything. She is a perfectionist. With Olivia, everything needs to be done well even if it takes hours.

Growing up, I was always told how pretty my name was. I never saw the beauty in my name. I thought that such a name lost its charm when because many people had it. But over time, I have learned to love my name. I have come to know that so many people have the name Olivia because it is so beautiful.

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