Who I Am | Teen Ink

Who I Am

October 5, 2018
By Kimberly2021 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Kimberly2021 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As we walk down the streets

All we see is people wearing bright red “Make America Great Again” hat while they are yelling and shouting, “Go back home!”

But all we notice is the spit and saliva coming out of their, chapped lips while there face shows hatred and anger

I’ll admit even strong women cry

But what makes us “strong” is that we cry and stand right back up and continue walking

We’ve come too far along, earning scars just to be told we don’t belong

We get stares and looks from people and for a moment they believe we are going to give up, but what they don’t know is we let those comments and looks slide off our skin like the sweat we first had on our backs when we first came to America.

To them we are strange but thanks to that we have more courage to not change who we are or where we come from

Those comments hurt like a knife being stabbed on our backs

It hurts but it isn’t going to change the fact that we came here to get away from wars and fights happening back in our hometown  

It’s not going to change the fact that I gave up seeing my family for this country

While they claim on Facebook that they support us by re-posting our post fighting for immigrant rights

But when it comes to showing their support, everyone disappears like the petals of a dandelion

We are here to stay and continue fighting for our rights even if it means getting hurt all over again

I’m Latina!


I’m Proud!

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