The Mei Farm | Teen Ink

The Mei Farm

October 24, 2018
By womthedom SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
womthedom SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A therapeutic and timely drive brings you there,

a place with no rules, restrictions or restraints-

a farm where we grow and harvest beauty:

The Mei Farm.

Right as you pull in, the green, metallic roof invites guests,

inside hides the remains of tinkering and toying with tools and parts,

a tractor, a crane, 4-wheelers, and a folded-up menu from a frequented restaurant,

the headquarters of creativity and design.

On the top of a hill, a house stands above the world,

on top of support beams, raised above the colors of the canopies of trees.

Up there, the view is like staring into a pastel drawing of an otherworldly artist.

Birds chirp inside your ear, deer frolic in the valley, and leaves rustle against each other.

In the valley in the center, a body of water holds the seed of life,

brought by a blooming flower inside of the head of man,

ducks play, deer drink, bugs breed, and we watch,

Captivated by what we brought to this place

Around the land, trees sprout out of the earth, like bristles on a brush,

thousands and thousands, planted by us.

Dad can talk on and on about their beauty, their elegance, and how much he loves them,

I wish I could see as much as he can in them.

A therapeutic and timely drive brings you there,

A place with no rules, restrictions or restraints

A farm where we grow and harvest beauty

The Mei Farm

The author's comments:

I wrote this with my dad.

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