The Only Place | Teen Ink

The Only Place

November 14, 2018
By 9rause72 SILVER, North Lake, Wisconsin
9rause72 SILVER, North Lake, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

America-the only place where my great grandfather can make a decision to pack up the family and move from Germany to Wisconsin.

America-the only place migrating from Germany to Milwaukee in a time period when “they” were looked at as the enemy.

America-the only place that will accept a former German Nazi into their country. Where that same soldier gave his family an opportunity to live his American dream.

America-the only place that can provide a 17 year old a chance to stay in this great country. A country that he would want to fight for his own freedom.

America-the only place a young man from Germany can make a life for himself. Where he can develop friendships he will create memories with.

America-the only place where my father didn’t have to join the Marines because his father already experienced it for him.

America-the only place where I could have this life. Where I have reasonable rights and rules.

American-the only place where I am able to speak my mind. All because of my great grandfather’s decision.

America-the only place where I am able to exercise my first amendment right thanks to the brave men and women like my grandpa who fought to keep it.

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