and we drop like unsynchronized clocks | Teen Ink

and we drop like unsynchronized clocks

December 27, 2018
By stuckinthemiddle GOLD, Greenville, South Carolina
stuckinthemiddle GOLD, Greenville, South Carolina
11 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Today I beat my personal best for most consecutive days alive.&quot;<br /> -Unknown


to cover our heads with textbooks and pop quizzes like

algebra will protect us: help us find the hypotenuse between

the shooter and me and my teacher so I know how fast I should run

to the window and smash it with that little hammer they say breaks glass.

to ease the pain (to lessen the drama) (don’t worry so much): this is just a drill


but the fact that I step out of class a minute after the bell rings means I don’t

want to get caught between periods with a gun to my head

and my hands spread out like Jesus to the masses

this is why I pray with my eyes open so I can see what I’m living for


saw on the news today his mouth clammed up with prayers

sorrys like pearls hidden in his teeth but his hands still

clutch at that gun you jumped in front of your friend for


i don’t ever want to grip my friends’ shoulders in anything but love

or use my hide and go seek as training


you should see us quiet when we cower.

The author's comments:

Inspired by this awful spike in school shootings over the past two decades. #neveragain

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