Melted Brain | Teen Ink

Melted Brain

January 10, 2019
By NolaC BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
NolaC BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought

Just a little too much

About life

You feel as if your brain Is melting

Slowly Freezing up and dissolving

You can’t think

You stick your tongue out

Like a panting dog  

And begin to drool

You have fried your brain

And it is melting

Into a goopy puddle of mush

You can not comprehend

Any words any longer

You are an animal

Your eyes no longer see color

But what is left in your mind tricks you

Into seeing patterns

And vibrant color

Splash and pulsate in the sky

You feel your body stretch and twist

You can feel your tongue

And teeth burning

Your razor shape canines

Ready for a hunt

This warm feeling

An adrenaline rush

You smile and laugh

As you feel this feeling

And see you face twisting

And distorting

Into your new shape

You like this look

You like this feeling

Now you’re an animal

And your brain is melting

It pours out your ears

And your mouth

Running over

Those beautiful teeth of yours

You have finally caught

Your first piece of meat

And you are beginning

To like this life

You bite your tongue

And let the red iron


But then you see them

The ones you do remember

And you feel scared now

You begin to not like this new you

But you can not go back

Because your brain

Your brain has already melted

And your teeth are sharp

And you are an animal

With a melted brain

The author's comments:

Insanity is a scary thing

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