The Beast Within The Cage | Teen Ink

The Beast Within The Cage

January 17, 2019
By justinachana007 GOLD, Glenwood, Illinois
justinachana007 GOLD, Glenwood, Illinois
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never Trust A Fox

Translucent reflection ripples

As the luminous beauty slumbers

Eyes as opaque as an esoteric constellation

Stare, as I tread, fur glowing umber.

I bare my canine and majestic heads bow

Pride and poise race through my veins

Howl's synchronized, symphonies disguised

Dusk tastes our loyalty engraved in every pellet of rain.

I lead, and behind me parades my family

We are warriors of the light, soldiers of the night

From the dust I rise, for my pack, I die

For she is the Luna and I

The Alpha

I am the glint rippling upon the gleam -

The tumbling cryptic flashing only partly was seen;

I am the eternal flame that crackles in the grate -

The enigmatic, indecipherable, most profound innate;

I am the paradox within the intrigue -

That does so contrived but does not deceive;

I am the quantum within the curled up string -

The grain of truth from which all half-truths spring.

I am all these indefinable moments and much, much more

Slivers of moonlight leak through the crack in my cage of moss; trying to release me from my bonds - trying to change my form.

The author's comments:

I love wolves with a passion

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