Untitled | Teen Ink


January 24, 2019
By laniegrace GOLD, Lafayette, Colorado
laniegrace GOLD, Lafayette, Colorado
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I had a word to describe how I felt

I wouldn’t still feel it

The absence of knowing

makes its presence known

more so than the fear of the anonymous challenge itself

And without a name

it is impossible to counter this antagonist

that dares to climb the table of contents

in this autobiography

I have no cure

for this untitled contamination

that threatens to bubble over and spread

to the tips of my fingers

The lack of definition allows the heart to lead

before the brain can argue

that it should not follow

If I had the word for that

I wouldn’t know how that felt

The author's comments:

My idea of trying to express how I feel without the right word for it. 

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