Auditory Overdose | Teen Ink

Auditory Overdose

January 26, 2019
By OliRose SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
OliRose SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pills are force fed through my ear canals,
clogging my synapses with hyperactivity,
the familiar feeling of
make it stop make it stop make it stop
    make it stop

I can’t seem to keep it from invading
all of these failed assassination attempts

smothering by bursting my ear drums
strangulation by dulling my senses
suffocation by plugging up the pain

with every salvation comes another symptom
lodged in the overactive imagination of my nervous system,
so that my brain becomes an incomprehensible forest fire
of forced shutdowns and disassociated panic.

I was warned of the side effects,
but I couldn’t stop from taking too much sound
and now I’m stuck bleeding through my ears
waiting to become another statistic.

The author's comments:

This piece is about living with misophonia, which in short is a condition that causes hyper-sensitivity to certain sounds that can lead to a lot of stress, anxiety, and sometimes panic. It can be really difficult to deal with sometimes, so I wrote this poem to express how I feel about having to live with it all the time. 

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