Crowded Minds | Teen Ink

Crowded Minds

February 7, 2019
By jordanrseiler BRONZE, Austin, Texas
jordanrseiler BRONZE, Austin, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tears drip drip drip...miserably down

her faces like melted metal

They are all so unbelievably heavy

and leave a trail of desperation down her

oh so perfect pure face.

Each one exemplifies the divergent messed up things

such a beautiful heart would have to suffer through

Her lost soul missing the individual that she lost way too soon.

They all leave without her getting an understanding of why.....

Her desire for answers drives her to the many edges of her own mind

which finally crash into a complete wreck of feelings and tears


This time those heavy tears are delicate feathers

For the first time she is letting all the emotions out and they hurt her so much

cause instead of her hiding inside she becomes the delicate soul

she always was.

This sweet girls was just covered up by the layers of pain

which painted over her true beauty

As time went by her mind was letting her see the world for its glory

not its heartbreak and loss


Confusion was sadly still all she could hear talking, in her way to clear mind

Not the voices of the ones she loved and loved and lost


Then came frustration then anger then fear

She feared she was finally okay

She feared was being so selfish about her feelings

She didn’t think she could move on

But she wanted to move on


The messed up mind of a 16 year old girl

The author's comments:

It is talking about how growing up with depression is hard and when the body is ready to move on the mind doesn't understand if it is okay not to cry all the time or be depressed. 

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