If Nothing Changes Before it is Too Late | Teen Ink

If Nothing Changes Before it is Too Late

February 25, 2019
By tr-poetry BRONZE, Stratham, New Hampshire
tr-poetry BRONZE, Stratham, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You send your thoughts and prayers,

While we are pleading for your help

But not even the sounds of our screams echoing off of the walls of our hearts,

Would stop a man from pulling a trigger to a gun he shouldn't be allowed to buy,

You send your thoughts and prayers,

You want to know my thoughts and prayers,

I thought our country cared about us,

I thought the people of America would value our lives over guns,

You want to know my prayers?

I pray my school won't be the next,

That my friends won't be mourned over local News Channel 9

That we may be safe in our unsafe, unchanging world

Because if I die in a school shooting,

I'll never go home again,

My room will sit unused, collecting dust,

A capsule frozen in time,

A snapshot of who I was,

If I die in a school shooting,

I will never see my dog again,

She will sit at the front door, tail wagging,

Patiently waiting for me,

And wondering why I never came home,

Because if i die in a school shooting,

I will never graduate from high school,

My yearbooks will sit on my desk,

missing four more that should have been,

But they were stopped short of their goal

If I die in a school shooting,

I will never see my Mom again,

She will sit distraught,

Planning a funeral,

For a child taken from her too young,

Because If I die in a school shooting,

I'll never see my friends again,

They will sit together, missing me,

One empty seat towards the left among them,

A constant reminder of their loss

If things continue this way,

Children will live in fear,

They will look over their shoulder

Always worried and wondering,

If they will die in a school shooting too,

All because you wont talk about gun control,

If I die in a school shooting,

Will it change the world?

Or will I become one of hundreds who have to die?

What will it take?

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