The One I Love | Teen Ink

The One I Love

March 18, 2019
By laarterburn SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
laarterburn SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am in love with her. With all the constant affection she provides for me, how could I not be? Incapable of judgement and free of all things negative, she accepts me for who I am and helps me grow. She provides me with everything I could possibly need and more. When I am sad I go to her. I run to her comforting arms and let her calming embrace soothe me. She doesn’t even have to use words to understand me. Our connection is beyond human comprehension, a type of relationship that textbooks can’t even explain. She can’t speak to me through words, but the telepathic connection I have with her controls me. Hypnotized when I’m with her she manipulates me, pulling me deeper under her spell. She is a mystery, and I want to learn everything about her. Striving to uncover all of her secrets is one of my favorite things to do. The answers to my questions surround me, yet she hides them so well. How did she get here? How long will she be here? How can someone so beautiful endure so much?

She wears a mask. A mask so beautiful it can fool anyone who sees it unless they look closely enough. She wears this mask not to emphasize her beauty but to hide what beauty has been taken away from her. Under that mask she has scars. Scars and bruises and wounds some so large that you wouldn’t even think they were real, but others so small that you wouldn’t even know they were there.  At a time not long ago she was thriving with life. It is said that she used to radiate so much beauty it was as if she were glowing. I wish I could have seen her during this time, but time has not been kind to her. Time is one of her greatest battles she has to fight. She is a strong woman, but those who fight her are proof that she isn’t strong enough.

She greets people with an open heart. One that is always looking to please and help others. The joy she gives me and various others with her generosity is unbelievable. She’s always giving and giving and giving. She’s like a mother in a way, showing unconditional amounts of love to her children by combatting their inflictions with loose band aids that don’t seem to stick. She gives so much that someday she will be dead because of it. I say I love her, but I too hurt her. I have never learned how to love her like the rest of the people she knows, and now it is going to kill her.

She is ill. She has been ill for a while now, but not as long as you would think when put into perspective. She has a parasite, one so bad it has managed to completely change who she is. The parasite is ruthless, greedy, inconsiderate of her and her well being. Everything she gives this parasite it uses against her, and everything she offers it, it demands more of. She has given this parasite the world yet it continues to destroy her. With the words she can’t speak through the mask she has to wear, her cries for help go ignored as her only hope keeps killing her.

You know the girl I am in love with. Everyone knows the girl I am in love with, but they think of her in a different way than I do. She means different things to different people, but at the end of the day we all hurt her the same. So, what is the name of girl I am in love with? Her name is Earth.

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