jealousy | Teen Ink


March 27, 2019
By jingyan SILVER, New York, New York
jingyan SILVER, New York, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i'd rather lose somebody than use somebody.


her streaks of fire dance through the day,

igniting only when the blonde b***h comes

and burns for the rest of the day.

her wisps of hair are bright red,

and only tone back to brown

when she feels like it.

her lioness prowls the feeding grounds

she roars at him, a force that

she doesn’t even want to consume her,

then look

his bright green eyes do not soften

for he is


“i didn’t even touch her”,

he coldly says.

her fire doesn’t compliment his solid ice

two clashing forces

and they start burning the house

with rage and confusion and fury and



the betrayal.

then the water flows in

her powerful works of calmness

glide through their hearts

putting them at ease.

hugs, warmth, comfort

until the next fire spirals

because she does as she pleases

what a monster she is


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