Dreaming in the Sun | Teen Ink

Dreaming in the Sun

April 3, 2019
By sophiascapicchio BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
sophiascapicchio BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is nothing better

than the feeling of the brightest star

beating down on my body,

tanning my once-pale skin.

There is nothing better

than basking

in ninety-degree weather

embracing life

laying on a towel,

experiencing happiness in its truest form.

There is nothing better

than realizing

that school is no longer on my mind.

All that matters is the beach.

I let thousands of grains of sand

slip through my fingers

and return to the place they were destined to be.

I hear the waves calling for me,

saying: come here, I have something to show you.

So I go,

and my journey continues.

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