The Monster's Lament | Teen Ink

The Monster's Lament

April 8, 2019
By j-jar GOLD, Bridgewater, Virginia
j-jar GOLD, Bridgewater, Virginia
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I too would be angry

If I were cowered away from

In the way which humans

Treat monsters

Like they are so scared

What have they done to you

Except in myths and fables

No proof at all than is mere fantasy

Yet you block them out

I would too be evil

If I were left in solitude

In a closet or under a bed, trapped

The way you all treat monsters

Makes a case in my head

That the monsters aren’t the evil ones at all

Maybe they were just never given a chance

And already underwent the glare of civilization

Cast away as if they were of no worth

No, your mind is closed

Screw you,


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