Different sides | Teen Ink

Different sides

April 30, 2019
By Fo415 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Fo415 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am  good and  evil

I don’t know from time to time

Helping people and others from side to side

Or yelling at them for their ignorance

I ponder about this every day

Wondering if this defines our definition

Of what's  perfect or not

And it drives my buttons incredibly insane

How to I  improve of being good

With some self actions for others

or  ignoring it like a busted bug on the ground

This is a sad sicking topic for me

I want to be good but the evil still lurks like a shadow

It Waits to strike and sting me internally and mentally

How do I stop this evil  from screaming in my ear

Telling me that I am worthless

This evil makes me do things

Bad things, but I try to ignore it

Hopefully the shining star will stop it

That is the good which it cracks with purity

I am split between good and evil

They are battling for me

and  I am waiting, wating

To see the outcome and who prevails

The author's comments:

free verse poem

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