Hold on my love | Teen Ink

Hold on my love

April 30, 2019
By Imvidya BRONZE, Irvine, California
Imvidya BRONZE, Irvine, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hold on, My love

She had waited for what seemed like all of eternity for this.

All of it.

Through the back breaking pounds of discouragement

The fork in her pathway

In which she always chose the wrong route.

The gust of wind

That came out of nowhere

And was so close to blowing her off the edge.

The disgust



And the evil eye they cast on her

Because they didn’t want to see her succeed.

Through all the whispers

That turned into small talk.

The harsh jokes

That she thought couldn’t get worse

But then they started to scream

But this time

She screamed back.

She shouted from the top of rooftops

and her sound traveled across mountains.

A small blue hummingbird sang her words every morning

And even the snakes listened.

Her words traveled with the winds

across rivers




unknown lands

and ended up in the hearts of everyone who was told

You’re not worth it.

She didn’t know it

but her time was coming.

She kept her dignity high and her head up even higher

She held on tight to the rollercoaster ride that is life

She waited

And waited.

Until a small blue hummingbird sat on her windowsill

And sang to her

Hold on, my love.

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