Tuesday Mornings | Teen Ink

Tuesday Mornings

May 1, 2019
By 0herbst GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
0herbst GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a Tuesday morning,

I could barely get out of bed.

Today I am more drained than yesterday,

there’s not much more to be said.

Trust me, I am a fan of school,

but some days are just tough.

I didn’t do any of my homework last night,

so being here is pretty rough.

I feel like my brain is filled up,

I have so much in my head.

But I can’t seem to remember any of it,

so I take one thing at a time, instead.

I truly just want to go home,

I don’t want to be here at all.

But when I think about everything I’d miss,

the makeup work would pack every study hall.

So now I take a deep breath,

and trust I’ll get everything done.

Perhaps my mindset is too serious,

my brain wants me to just have fun.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

After all, there’s only three more until Friday.

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