You told me | Teen Ink

You told me

May 28, 2019
By talia123 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
talia123 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You told me, that you were gonna be there
You told me, till the very end
You told me, that you were always there for me
You told me, that you would never leave

You told me, that you cared
You told me, every little secret you had
You told me, that I can tell you anything
You told me, you can trust me

You told me, that I was annoying
You told me, that I was fake
You told me, that I was selfish
You told me, that you don’t want to be friends anymore

You told me, we used to be best friends
You told me, you would never back stab me
You told me, you would ALWAYS be there for me through thick and thin
You told me that.. we’re...done

The author's comments:

This poem is about a friendship ending 

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