Amond Other Seeds | Teen Ink

Amond Other Seeds

July 23, 2019
By Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are a runt

Among other seeds


You are teased

Among other seeds


You are loved 

Among other seeds


You are unique 

Among other seeds


You are one seed

That will grow taller

Without the needs

Among other seeds


One Day

You will have friends

You will have admirers

Among other trees


Of course

You will be disliked

For your wonder 

With jealousy among other seeds


A personality like no other

A mind getting stronger

Among other seeds

The author's comments:

My older sister, Amara, inspired me to write this piece because she used to be weak and she was sort of insecure, but over the years, I have seen her grow into a strong 19-year-old woman with an iron will and the ability to do anything that she puts her mind to. 

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