Music | Teen Ink


July 23, 2019
By Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hot and sunny day

Nothing really to say

I want to escape

I find a way out


Turn bluetooth on

Put on those Beats

You found an exit

To an exhilirating place


Surfing through the gnarly 80's,

Partying at Pop,

And finally resting at rap

(Even if it isn't my type).


Shuffling through them all,

Singing in the shower,

Sunbathing in my music

Is a vacation to me.


A gettaway 

A factor of peace

A happy place

An more


With brass

With windpipes

With percussion

With string


Music is amazing 

With all of those things


But with voices

Music is something new

It is a song

Which is beautiful too


A world without music

Would be depressing

Without birds singing

Instruments strumming

And no one humming to beautiful tunes.

The author's comments:

My family has always loved music: My parents love the 80's, my sisters love pop, and personally, I love all of those things. Music means a lot of things to me. Whenever I listen to any song, the feeling is tangible and I just listen and feel like I am enjoying a ride on the notes.

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