Fish Outta Water | Teen Ink

Fish Outta Water

September 17, 2019
By Rarealbinoduck BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Rarealbinoduck BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A fish taken from the wild

A child misunderstood in a crowded room

in a bowl of glass

Unable to communicate, one way walls, no way out

Stuck for what feels like eternity

Nobody understands it

He’s making it up

Swimming in an empty space

Thrown colorful rocks as distraction

watching his world be tapped upon

A push

A shove

Everyday dealt another blow

A razor swimming across a wrist

Tears swimming in blood

A fish taken outta water

A fish grasping for air

A body grasping for life

A body grasping for somebody to care

A body

Tears today

But tomorrow

Those flushed memories mean nothing

And another fish will take its place

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