Digits on the Wall | Teen Ink

Digits on the Wall

September 17, 2019
By Rarealbinoduck BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Rarealbinoduck BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments




Quiet room

Souls distressed suppressed

Thoughts spitting up numbers blunders

On my page failing class alas

The clock ticks away days

Are thousands it seems gleams

The teacher at her desk wrecked

By low wages low time distressed a mess

Of the world we live in givin’

Stress and 12 years gone pawned

By the destruction abduction

Of creativity and love doves

Fly away ne’er to be seen again fend

For each second to pass fend

For each second to pass time fend

For each second to pass class fend

End of each second we pass in the end

No matter how hard we fend

all things come to pass




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