Season of Me | Teen Ink

Season of Me

September 19, 2019
By cay-marie SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
cay-marie SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Short days & darkness. It consumes my emotions. 

The air hurts my throat, I can’t swallow my sorrow. 

Depression covered by laughter and smiles. People can’t see what you don't show. 

Sadness comes down like a blizzard

Light a match, I can’t see. 

When will this end for me?


Negative emotions melt away. I can breathe, my lungs fill with air. 

Decisions of my future blossom, such as the cherry plum tree outside my window… which path will I take? 

Ideas of a better self, leaving behind the person I don't want to be. 

Family and childhood friends, relationships will be affected. 

Will I take deny myself a new me? 


Beak begins, mentally I breathe. 

Skin & soul, the sun beams down on me. 

Realization hits, my final year approaches 

Expectations, meet my goals. 

Graduating and college acceptance, overwhelming glee. 

Will the past ever hold me?


Leaves fall like my high held expectations, never to be held again. 

My future endeavors excite me, I’m growing up. 

I see & have seen. I use my experiences for better decisions. 

Next season may be cold and harsh, I can bounce back.

Because the seasons are in cycles, and so are we. 

Will I let these cycles consume me? 

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