Where it Started | Teen Ink

Where it Started

September 20, 2019
By Trent-Skaggs SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Trent-Skaggs SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Starts out with a chaotic family,

full of love, laughter, and life.

Starts with six kids close in age,

and most definitely in name.

Starts out as a few T names,

To a tradition lasting 24 years.

Starts out with trips to the zoo, 

to the moist bike ride to the savory, merton custard shoppe.

Starts with the relaxing, family walks to Fireman's park,

to the filthy worms on the rusty hook in the Mill pond.

Starts out with obnoxious screams under the football stadium,

to grandpa ́s prominent vietnam stories to put us asleep.

Starts out with the puck sliding across the slippery, snowy surface,

to the ball softly cradled in the stick.

Starts with an ecstatic section of just Skaggs ́ kids,

to the secretive stash of food grandma carried,

Starts out with a close knit family who didn't have much,

To a lot of memories with the ones I love very much.

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