The Vast Beauty | Teen Ink

The Vast Beauty

October 10, 2019
By Trent-Skaggs SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Trent-Skaggs SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High up on the mountains in British Columbia we soar,

as our packs slung to our backs up Pearkes mountain.
Step by step we get closer to the top,

as the temperature continues to fall.

The damp, morning dew covers the plastic tent,

illuminating when touched by the sun.

The wind batters the side of the thin, nylon canopy,

as the taut rope clings to boulders discovered on the mountain.

The half-inch pad eases the irregular, rocky formation,

as the compressed sleeping bag immerses my body.

The plastic, waterproof seal unlocks,

as the dense fog infiltrates the nightly campsite.

The mountain grass brushes in the breeze,

as my face tightly squints to shield the sun.

The fresh, cold air fills my lungs with every breath,

as I hear a crinkle of the fresh snow under my foot with every step.

The sun blooms over the side of the mountain,

as the light radiates through the sky brightening the horizon.

The mountains shimmer like silver,

as the light reflects off the rigid rocks and glistening snow.

The vast beauty of the mountains suspends over the sea,

as I try to steal a piece of heaven with my camera.

The blank stare into the distance filled with awe,

as I witness the wonder on top of the world.

The author's comments:

This piece was crafted becasue of my experience climbing Mount Pearkes in British Columbia, Canada. I climbed this mountain back in July and it was one of the most breath taking things that I have ever done. This was a very special time that I have had climbing a mountain with a group of individuals I've grown up with inside the church.

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