When I was yours | Teen Ink

When I was yours

October 10, 2019
By Devocean BRONZE, Scituate, Massachusetts
Devocean BRONZE, Scituate, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes I miss being sick
The grimiest part of me wishes I had stayed
In that familiar city of grey and mental illness
and whatever the opposite of healing is
Where there was nothing to laugh about
but plenty to write about
-Blythe Baird

It hits me like a wall

The familiar smell of you 

The smell of me running my fingers through your hair 

The smell of when your arm would rest across my shoulders and I would feel your warmth radiating from your soft, cotton polo

The smell of a time when I was yours but you weren’t mine 

The time I was addicted to the blue and grey bubbles scattered across my screen

Hooked on the sound of the fuzzy audio feedback coming from our phone calls 

And craving something I could interpret as romance 

When I was yours but you weren’t mine 

Suddenly I snap back to the present 

I try to shake you from on my mind but you’re a stubborn pain in the a**

Always were, always will be 

I just want nothing more than to forget the time when I was yours but you weren’t mine 

I want to pretend that my heart wasn’t broken when you handed it back to me 

That it wasn’t still beating with love for you 

But my love came from a time I was intoxicated on the idea of being loved by you 

In the days I was yours but you weren’t mine

But I have moved on

My heart has healed and now beats  for someone who actually cares

All I can do now is keep my word

And never repeat the days when I was yours but you weren't mine 

The author's comments:

This poem was written to my ex. I'm still new to this website so I would love some constructive criticism!

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