Our language | Teen Ink

Our language

October 10, 2019
By Devocean BRONZE, Scituate, Massachusetts
Devocean BRONZE, Scituate, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes I miss being sick
The grimiest part of me wishes I had stayed
In that familiar city of grey and mental illness
and whatever the opposite of healing is
Where there was nothing to laugh about
but plenty to write about
-Blythe Baird

Word spill from our mouths

Each syllable comes without filtration

Passion in every last word.


Our souls freed from their cages

The weight holding our wings to our sides has been lifted allowing us to glide through the air. 


We all speak one language made up of alliteration metaphors and similes

But our tongues click in different dialects making each poem precious and unique to its writer


Each paper holds a message to all that are listening

Covered in markings that were born in our minds

A treasure map to feelings that one cannot express

A code where one must look for clues. 


Our words can be perplexing but they are filled with purpose

And listen closely and you may hear and unsung song

The author's comments:

This just kind of wrote itself. idk

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