You Told Me | Teen Ink

You Told Me

January 11, 2021
By Anonymous

You told me you loved me,

But 5 year old me sat in my room crying about how no one did. 

You told me… No, you promised me that I was going to be your priority now,

But she broke down after two years and came home.

You told me you would always have two daughters.

But when she came home, she came out as they/them.

You told me I was going to be your main focus,

 But you seemed to forget about that shortly after she desperately needed you.

You told me you had an obligation to take care of her,

But your obligation to her is moral. Your obligation to me is legal.

You told me you loved me. You still tell me every single day,

But 10 years later and I’m still crying in my room

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